Saturday, March 27, 2010

Inspired to Cook, and Willing to Share

Thank you Jamie Oliver for opening my eyes to the point that pushed me over the edge. I've seen the light and I'm now taking the plunge to cooking my own food from scratch using fresh (and as much as possible, local) ingredients. It probably won't be easy, but I think my picky eater of a partner and I will be better off from it.

Now don't get me wrong, it hasn't been just Jamie's influence that has gotten me here. I'm not a mainstream do-what-everyone-else-is-doing kind of girl. For example, I'm seriously obsessed with green methods of construction and permaculture. I've been trying to prepare more food at home so I can control the amount of garbage going into my body for the last six months. But it wasn't until watching Jamie's TED speech this winter that I realized I was really willing to take the plunge and make my meals from local, seasonal foods as much as possible without spending an arm and a leg. I recently signed up for a "Good Food Box" from a local not-for-profit group that is trying to help farmers waste less of their food, farmers find a local market to sell their produce, and give the community a cost effective manner to get more fruit and veggies into their diet.

With the Earth Hour an hour away, I think this is the perfect point to start talking about what I'm doing. I'll probably also use this to track what recipes are working for me and which ones aren't.

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