Tuesday, November 29, 2011

WIP Wednesday

I can't tell if I'm in a turkey coma (we decided to pretend we were American on the weekend and had a thanksgiving dinner with some loved ones we missed the first time around), or if maybe I'm tired because my daughter has 7 swollen gums and is little miss cranky pants today. Who can blame her? If I had 7 swollen gums (5 of which are back teeth), I'd be a little miss cranky pants too!

But on the bright side, I've been sewing a little when I'm able. My husband is really great and understands my need to do something creative for at least a few minutes every day for some sanity. I've made great progress on my Mom's, my sister's, and my in-law's Christmas gifts. Now if my Dad would stay away from his laptop long enough for my Mom to take measurements, I'd be a little closer to having more than half the Christmas gifts I'm making this year well on their way to completion.

I have a finish, albeit a really simple one. It is one of the bags we'll be using to 'wrap' Christmas gifts this year, rather than dealing with wrapping paper and tape. A) It's great for the environment; and B) It's great for the lazy mother that tires easily of wrapping gifts (a.k.a., ME). And who doesn't love that little robin holding on to a letter for Santa with a little bit of gold sparkle to it?

Next, I was just messing around with some HSTs. I needed to add a HST listing to AccurateCuts' etsy store and needed pictures to do so. I ended up piecing the HSTs just because I could and knew I wouldn't have to trim them to square them up after. :o) 

Not quite sure what I'll make out of the square though. I don't have more of the fabric, the rest is being used in my TSX quilt that is sitting in a pile in a deep dark corner of my sewing nook not to be resurected until maybe February, or more realisticly April.

Anyone out there making charity quilts that could use a 12 1/2" square (as pictured above) for a charity quilt? I'd be happy to donate it.


monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

Wrapping cloth is a GREAT idea!

Mary-Frances said...

What cute fabric to wrap gifts in...mmmh, I may have to sort through my stash now and see what I can use to wrap my gifts with.

Quilt Genius said...

I think your block is lovely! Maybe you should make a pillow to match the quilt that will use the rest of that fabric?


elle said...

Good idea for wrapping. I do like pink and yellow, happy block!

Sheila said...

Wonderful idea for gift wrapping and your block is just beautiful .

Dee said...

The batiks you've picked are just gorgeous and congrats on the finish! What a fun way to wrap a gift...hand in there mom of a teether...braces are far off for your little one right now, but I feel your pain! Molars are hard things to teeth! lol

M-R Charbonneau said...

I've been wanting to make gift bags, but never seem to get around to it. I love what you did. Such cute fabric!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I love the colours in that fabric

Cheryl (Grandma Coco) said...

What a pretty Christmas bird. Love the idea.

@pril said...

I like the colors of the block with the triangles. Very nice. I saw this at WIP. Thanks for sharing.
